Saturday, October 26, 2013

Date: 10/26/2013

Day: 30

Location: New Bedford, MA 

Miles Today: 235

Total Miles:  6592

Cape Cod, Seen on the Road


Cape Cod

As mentioned yesterday, Cape Cod is a Terminal Moraine, a pile of dirt and debris pushed into position and then abandoned by the last retreat of the great glacier.  It forms a big fish hook, not unlike Pt. Reyes in California.  (Which was formed by an entirely different mechanism, of course.

A pretty good illustration of Cape Cod with Provincetown dangling at the sharp end of the hook like bait.
Also a pretty good place for ribs at lunch time.

The result of this unusual birthing process is a lack of any structure in the rocks found on the Cape.  There is none of the really handsome stratification seen on in the Niagara or the Hudson river valleys.  Due to the poor quality of the dirt, the trees are more like bushes and sand dunes abound.


The dunes on the Cape are beautiful and worth another visit sometime, but somehow not as energetic as those in Oregon; not as big either.  The Colonel has sand in his brogans as he types this.


The sea, at least at this point, breaks right on the shore line; a small, rapid surf.

The sky has been spectacular for most of this trip.  Some of the country we passed through has seen snow, but thus far only a bit of frost has afflicted One Lap.  It is definitely getting nippy, however.


Look closely ...
The round blue sign indicates the tsunami evacuation route on the road off the Cape.  Not quite as artistic as those in Oregon.

Look very closely ...
The highway down the middle of the Cape is named in honor of The Grand Army of the Republic; the first Civil War bling seen on this journey.

A cozy looking apartment block on the cape.  Nice faux shutters.

Seen on the Road

Life is good at the beach.

The Colonel found this in situ, honest, although he does agree with the sentiment.  Actually life at the beach was pretty cold on this late October day with a stiff wind coming in off the Atlantic.

Tomorrow:  The Whaling Museum in New Bedford, Grover's Mill New Jersey and souther.

Wellington Boot, Col

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